On Thursday starting at 9:30am, project groups will deliver a 5 minute .ppt presentation addressing issues below. Please remember to take into account the key learning to date regarding oral and visual presentations.
This project "freeze" marks the point when a project's core definition, purpose, activities and measures of success are solidified so that specific project work can begin. Heading towards this point, the following items need to be established and communicated:
Project Title, specific to your work.
Executive Summary, including project objective with specific reference to the Greenest City goals
Why should we care about your project within the goals, and generally?
What has the City of Vancouver asked for? Who is your main contact?
What are the main questions driving your project?
What specific services is your project providing that add value? To whom?
Team members and current activities, specifically who is doing what by when?
The purpose and outcomes each activity
Describe the specific impact or change that will occur as a result of each activity
What are your metrics for success for the project?
How will you visualize your project research and outcomes in images, infographics and maps?
What are you planning to hand off the City as a result of this project? To whom?
What do you KNOW for certain about your project right now?
What do you not know, that you need to know in order to move forward?
What are your next immediate steps?