Thursday, September 8, 2011

CityStudio Assignment #1: Walk the Line in Mt. Pleasant

The aim of CityStudio is to contribute in concrete ways to the implementation of Vancouver's sustainability strategies in the Mt Pleasant neighbourhood. Our first step is to familiarize ourselves with the area, and attempt to see it as if for the first time.

This team-based assignment asks that you walk an assigned line from a point on the perimeter of Mt. Pleasant to the center at Main and Broadway in as close* to a straight path as possible, taking into account the laws of land and gravity. You will be recording the path in photographs and notes that:
  • capture the various and changing character of your line,  
  • notable landmarks and historical places, and 
  • significant features related to eat work and play.
This assignment is intended to provide each of the 6 teams with a way to experience a familiar place in new ways, and to present insights about eat, work and play with the class. In order to engage this assignment fully, please be sure your team has a thorough understanding of the 2020 Greenest City targets within each goal area.

The printed colour images will be assembled into a continuous panorama of the line, to be annotated with the observations of eat work play, as well as with the story of your experience of walking the line.

Link to the map is here. Lines and stories are to be presented September 16th, 2pm in the studio.
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